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Sallisaw Campus
CMA Update-CEUs
with Arlena Rhodes, Sallisaw Campus
Earn 8 Hours of OSDH-approved continuing education. Renewal application and completion certificate provided. Prerequisite: Current CMA license.
CMA-Advanced: Insulin Admin/Glucose Monitoring
with Arlena Rhodes, Sallisaw Campus
Covers diabetes care including insulin administration, endocrine system, testing blood glucose levels and more. $40 exam fee included. Prerequisite: Current CMA license.
Will run
Pharmacy Tech
with Teresa Foster, Sallisaw Campus
This class will be a combination of virtual and in person. The first class will require attendance in person at the Muskogee Campus. Remaining classes will be through your home campus.
Pharm Techs are in high demand, with many major pharmacy chains now offering signing bonuses of at least $5,000. Learn the theory and basics of pharmacy info systems, drug conversions and more. Prep for the PTCB certification exam. Prerequisites: WorkKeys Assessment scores (Applied Math 4, Graphic Literacy 3 and Workplace Documents 5), high school diploma or GED. To request an application, email
Knife Making 1
with Fred Kilgore, Sallisaw Campus
Make a fixed blade, full tang knife with steel bars and resin-inpregnated wood handles--no kits or pre-treated blades. Metal forging not included.
Sell your wares created in or outside of class at the Second Annual ICTC Creative Arts Trade Show, which will be at the Muskogee campus, Saturday, April 22, 9am to 2pm. Ask your instructor about participating in your free class booth.
Phase I & II: Unarmed Security Guard (3 classes, same dates as Stilwell)
with Nathan King, Sallisaw Campus
Prep for the CLEET Phase I & II Unarmed Security Guard test. Covers the Oklahoma Security Act, fire safety, first aid, field notes, patrolling and investigation and more. Includes $40 CLEET Phase I & II exam.
Knife Making 2
with Cliff Ivey, Sallisaw Campus
Sharpen those knife-making skills and learn about basic knife-making equipment repair and maintenance. Learn trade show basics and how to market creations through social media.
Sell your wares created in or outside of class at the Second Annual ICTC Creative Arts Trade Show, which will be at the Muskogee campus, Saturday, April 22, 9am to 2pm. Ask your instructor about participating in your free class booth.
Blacksmithing Intro
with John Webster, Sallisaw Campus
Explore the art and profession of Blacksmithing. Use a hot forge and anvil to create iron objects.
CMA Update-CEUs
with Arlena Rhodes, Sallisaw Campus
Earn 8 Hours of OSDH-approved continuing education. Renewal application and completion certificate provided. Prerequisite: Current CMA license.