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Creative Arts & Enrichment
in Sallisaw Campus
Knife Making 1
with Fred Kilgore, Sallisaw Campus
Make a fixed blade, full tang knife with steel bars and resin-inpregnated wood handles--no kits or pre-treated blades. Metal forging not included.
Sell your wares created in or outside of class at the Second Annual ICTC Creative Arts Trade Show, which will be at the Muskogee campus, Saturday, April 22, 9am to 2pm. Ask your instructor about participating in your free class booth.
Knife Making 2
with Cliff Ivey, Sallisaw Campus
Sharpen those knife-making skills and learn about basic knife-making equipment repair and maintenance. Learn trade show basics and how to market creations through social media.
Sell your wares created in or outside of class at the Second Annual ICTC Creative Arts Trade Show, which will be at the Muskogee campus, Saturday, April 22, 9am to 2pm. Ask your instructor about participating in your free class booth.
Blacksmithing Intro
with John Webster, Sallisaw Campus
Explore the art and profession of Blacksmithing. Use a hot forge and anvil to create iron objects.
Handbuilt Coil Pottery
with Linda Bedwell, Sallisaw Campus
Learn the basic supplies needed to create hand-coiled pottery, kiln firing techniques and other applications of pottery making. Additional suppy charges may apply, but these will be discussed during the first class session.
Sell your wares created in or outside of class at the Second Annual ICTC Creative Arts Trade Show, which will be at the Muskogee campus, Saturday, April 22, 9am to 2pm. Ask your instructor about participating in your free class booth.
Bushcraft Intro
with Brent Fout, Sallisaw Campus
Preppers, campers and outdoor enthusiasts! Learn to survive and thrive in the great outdoors and off grid. Covers the tools you'll need, rucksack setup, camp setup, how to build natural shelters, navigation skills, water purification and cooking, and more. Great training for outdoor living, hobby, emergencies, and survival. Students are welcome to bring and use their own gear in class.
Bushcraft Intro
with Brent Fout, Sallisaw Campus
Preppers, campers and outdoor enthusiasts! Learn to survive and thrive in the great outdoors and off grid. Covers the tools you'll need, rucksack setup, camp setup, how to build natural shelters, navigation skills, water purification and cooking, and more. Great training for outdoor living, hobby, emergencies, and survival. Students are welcome to bring and use their own gear in class.