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in Muskogee Campus
Cakes with Chinette
with Chinette Marshall, Muskogee Campus

This is a beginner cake decorating class which will introduce you to the fundamentals of cake decorating, covering basic techniques such as leveling cake layers, filling and holding the piping bag to selecting different tips for designing a basic cake.
Just Desserts
with Rhonda Cravens, Muskogee Campus

In this 2 hour class, learn to bake the best banana bread ever! During this class, discuss the art of baking such as baking essentials, tools, and choosing the perfect ingredients to make this treat.
Required: Bring your own baking dish for transport of your home baked bread
Just Desserts
with Rhonda Cravens, Muskogee Campus

In this two hour class, learn the art of making a jam cake. Learn a new twist on a classic cake recipe by infusing jam into the batter.
Required: Bring a bundt pan and 8 oz. of your favorite jam.
Just Desserts
with Rhonda Cravens, Muskogee Campus

Just in time for summer, a tasyt treat that is sure to please everyone! Come learn how to create a strawberry pretzel salad.
Required: 9 x 13 baking pan with lid